Language brings folk together, and admittedly, sometimes tears them apart, but it’s the humour in communication when we get it all wrong, or in error hit it right on the mark - like the misinterpreted expression that 'Many hands make life work' -that has its own intrinsic joy.

Recognising others that share that humour, however fleeting that moment might be, satisfies an elemental need at the core of our being.

There are so many challenges in channelling language into meaning.

There’s the linguistic layers of context and word stress or punctuation to negotiate before hurdling over that run of physical and physiological, social and cultural, emotional and attitudinal barriers …. and then you have the recipient’s perspective!

Sometimes a picture IS worth a thousand words and anyway we just enjoy putting situations and words and art together.

So when we write about us and who we are?  Sometimes we don’t even know.

Who we are.   Statement. Certainty
Who are we?  Question.  Hesitancy 
Are we who we are? Question. Challenge
We are who we are. Statement.  Affirmation….. or maybe  just resignation.

Whoever you are, we hope you enjoy the Worbsmith site.

 The Worbsmith Team